The sample settings.json is given below, your settings.json might look a bit different depending upon your profiles, plus I have removed all the comments from the file. The user can work with multiple profiles in a single instance of Terminal by opening multiple sessions of all the available profile options. What is the default shell in Linux called Bash, or the Bourne-Again Shell, is by far the most widely used choice and it comes installed as the default shell in the most popular Linux distributions. The Terminal offers a tab-based user interface. Open Terminal > Preferences > Text and select the Solarized Dark theme and click on Default. Each of these profiles can be customized individually.

The Terminal automatically creates multiple profiles for multiple versions of PowerShell or WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) installed on the system. An individual profile can be also customized as per need. The user can customize backgrounds, color schemes, add background images, custom fonts as well as define its own key bindings (shortcuts). This is one of the best features that any user would like. The details of all the available features are well documented and can be found at Microsoft site Customization
Download your free HyperTerminal trial version and see how.

Below given are some of the top features. HyperTerminal Windows 7, 8, 10, Vista - Download free trial. This makes it easier to find a color in the picture then look up the values in the table. However, when setting up various programs to use it, I’ve found I wanted to have the example pictures right next to the table of RGB/Hex values. Windows Terminal is packed with lots of features, and the user can customize a variety of functionality to improve day to day workflows. I’ve been enjoying Ethan Schoonover’s Solarized Color Scheme. Certain LS results unreadable with Solarized theme on Windows 10 Linux subsystemHelpful Please support me on Patreon.